Have some money to spare? Perhaps you should invest in art. And what better art then photographic art. As the art world is always undergoing change. The influence of photography in the art world has been on the rise ever since the camera was properly used to capture ‘real life’ and since Man Ray played around with this ‘real’ medium. Of course the price of a photograph will rise when its historic relevance to some important person or event seems rare and thus special. But the most expensive photographs lately were created by photographers who used their cameras to create and tell a story. Ignite an emotion in the viewer. And that of course is what art is all about.
Below the top 10 of photographs sold for a couple of more pennies than I have managed to sell mine. So which one would you like to hang on your wall?
#1 Rhein II – Andreas Gursky (1999) $4.3 million

#2 Untitled #96 – Cindy Sherman (1981) $3.9 million

#3 For Her Majesty – Gilbert & George (1973) $3.7 million

#4 Dead Troops Talk – Jeff Wall (1992) $3.7 million

#5 Untitled (Cowboy) – Richard Prince (2001-02) $3.4 million

#6 99 Cent II, Diptychon – Andreas Gursky (2001) $3.3 million

#7 Los – Angeles – Andreas Gursky (1998) $2.9 million

#8 The Pond/Moonlight – Edward Steichen (1904) $2.9 million

#9 Untitled #153 – Cindy Sherman (1985) $2.7 million

#10 Billy the Kid – Unknown (1880) $2.3 million

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