
Kids Posing with Their Favorite Toys by Gabriele Galimberti



We all had or still have them. The toys we’ve spent hours with. Creating different worlds while playing with that toy. Gabriele Galimerti visited many children in different countries to photograph them with their favorite toys. The series is called Toy Stories.

The story behind the photograph above:

Maudy was born in a hut in a small village close to Kalulushi, in Zambia. She grew up playing in the street with the other children in the village, who all attend the same school, where students ages 3 to 10 years old are in the same class. The village has no shops, restaurants or hotels, and just a few children are lucky enough to have toys. Maudy and her friends found a box full of sunglasses on the street, which quickly became their favorite toys.

A series showing that imagination is a big and important part of growing up. It also shows the world the child is growing up in. A glimpse in their personalities, economic statuses, interests and countries. Visit her website to see and learn more about this wonderful series.

Gabriele Galimberti’s website: www.gabrielegalimberti.com