Fashion has always been a way to tell the world who you are, or who you’d like to be. People even dress up their pets. Perhaps to make them look better or to turn their beloved ones into a fashion accessory. I’m not sure but this way of dressing up was one of the inspirations that made photographer Yago Partal create the Zoo Portraits series. This funny series shows us animals in clothes. A simple yet intriguing idea. And somehow the clothes really suits the animal. It immediately gives it a personality. Like how we tell the world what we are supposed to be. For me a striking example is the rhino in the leather jacket. I see him stepping on his Harley, right after the photo was taken, and drive back to his favorite biker bar. Just a funny series that reflects our own fashion sense in a subtle way.
Yago Partal’s website: www.yagopartal.com
The complete series can be found here: www.zooportraits.com. (also to order prints)
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