Schermafbeelding 2013-03-22 om 13.46.40

The Center of the Universe by Jim Vecchi

Schermafbeelding 2013-03-22 om 13.46.40

This photo series by Jim Vecchi is breaking the rules of composition; placing the subject dead center. But in many cases in art, breaking laws provokes and creates an interesting piece of  attention grabbing art. This series is called The Center of the Universe. He created this series as a memory of the hours he spent looking at everything. As a child he simply spent hours inspecting ordinary objects, such as poles, columns, wires. The focus was entirely on the subject. The surrounding landscapes would blur and melt away in color and motion. So all and all he tried to recapture that magic feeling he had inspecting things as a child. A wonderful and colorful series. That really captures the imagination and make you look at something you’d ordinarily don’t pay much attention to. And on top of that it makes you look at the unsharp worlds created behind the subject. Abstractions of real life.

Jim Vecchi’s website: